- traveller's cheques
- дорожные чеки
cheques in course of collection — чеки в процессе инкассации
guarantee for cheques — гарантия по чекам
English-Russian travelling dictionary. 2015.
cheques in course of collection — чеки в процессе инкассации
guarantee for cheques — гарантия по чекам
English-Russian travelling dictionary. 2015.
traveller's cheque, traveller's cheques ou traveller's check, traveller's checks — ● traveller s cheque, traveller s cheques ou traveller s check, traveller s checks nom masculin (anglais traveller s cheque, américain traveler s check, de traveller, voyageur, et check, chèque) Synonyme de chèque de voyage. ● traveller s cheque … Encyclopédie Universelle
traveller’s cheques — / træv(ə)ləz tʃeks/ plural noun cheques bought by a traveller which can be cashed in a foreign country … Marketing dictionary in english
traveller’s cheques — / træv(ə)ləz tʃeks/ plural noun cheques bought by a traveller which can be cashed in a foreign country … Dictionary of banking and finance
traveller — s chèque ou traveller s check [ travlɶr(s)ʃɛk ] n. m. • travellers checks plur. 1925; angl. traveller s cheque, angl. amér. traveler s check, de travel(l)er « voyageur » et check « chèque » ♦ Anglic. Chèque de voyage, payable en espèces dans tout … Encyclopédie Universelle
traveller's chèque — ⇒TRAVELLER S CHÈQUE, TRAVELLER, subst. masc. Chèque de voyage payable en espèces dans n importe quel établissement bancaire d un pays étranger. Signer, contresigner des traveller s chèques; se faire voler ses travellers. Lors de leur délivrance,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
traveller's check — traveller s check, traveller s chèque [tʀavlœʀsʃɛk] ou traveller [tʀavlœʀ] n. m. ÉTYM. 1963; mot angl., de traveller ou traveler (amér.) « voyageur », et check « chèque ». ❖ ♦ … Encyclopédie Universelle
traveller's cheque — noun A cheque that can be cashed at any foreign branch or specified agent of the bank issuing it • • • Main Entry: ↑travel * * * traveller’s cheque UK US noun [countable] [singular traveller’s cheque plural … Useful english dictionary
traveller's cheque — traveller s cheques N COUNT: usu pl Traveller s cheques are cheques that you buy at a bank and take with you when you travel, for example so that you can exchange them for the currency of the country that you are in. (in AM, use traveler s check) … English dictionary
traveller's cheque — ➔ cheque * * * traveller s cheque UK US (US traveler s check) noun [C] MONEY ► a piece of paper with a particular value printed on it that you buy from a bank, etc. and use as money, or exchange for the local money of other countries: »There is a … Financial and business terms
traveller's cheque — {{hw}}{{traveller s cheque}}{{/hw}}locuz. sost. m. inv. (pl. ingl. traveller s cheques ) Assegno turistico a circolazione internazionale rilasciato dalle principali banche contro versamento dell importo corrispondente … Enciclopedia di italiano